About Us

We offers various transcription services in South Africa, ranging from legal to general transcription services.

Welcome to Sakhile Transcriptions & Recordings.

Sakhile Transcriptions & Recordings is a registered transcription company and has been providing high-quality independent professional transcription services in South Africa for more than 10 years, and has a reputation for delivering accurate and reliable transcriptions with a quick turnaround time.

The company was founded by Mr. Michael Phakathi. Sakhile Transcriptions & Recordings main business is to record arbitrations, transcribe any recordings, edit and translate in different local languages. All our Transcribers sign non-disclosure agreement with us.


Our transcription services are treated with the strictest of confidentiality. All our transcribers sign non-disclosure confidentiality agreements with us.

  • Disciplinary Hearings
  • Private Arbitrations
  • Mines Large Enquiries (Fatal Enquiries)
  • Labour Court Reviews
  • Forensic Investigations

Are you in search of a reliable and efficient service provider for CCMA matters, legal transcriptions, and labour court transcriptions? Look no further! Our specialized team is here to cater to all your legal transcription needs with precision and accuracy.

Outsourcing your CCMA matters, legal, and labour court transcriptions to us can save you valuable time and effort. Our team of professionals will handle all aspects of the transcription process, allowing you to focus on other important tasks without sacrificing the quality of your legal documentation.

Upload Files to us

Uploading files for transcription has never been easier. Forget about the hassle of sending oversized audio files via email.

There is a seamless and FREE solution through Wetransfer.com. There is no need for couriers or additional expenses.


For all your enquiries, please feel free to contact us.


Kensington, Johannesburg


Tel: 011 615 1389/ 076 348 9460

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